Cannes Lions

Call Brussels

AIR , Brussels / VISIT BRUSSELS / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






The idea was to create a connection between people in Brussels and the people outside of Belgium. We gave people in Brussels the chance to express themselves and tell what life is really like in Brussels. Potential visitors had an opportunity to get unfiltered answers to any question related to the city. People from Brussels might pick up the phone and could rectify misconceptions about their city by giving their point of view.


From 7 January to 11 January, we placed different billboards with integrated phones in Brussels: one at the Mont des Arts, one at Place Flagey, and one at the Place Communale in Molenbeek (where some of the Paris attackers lived, including Salah Abdeslam).

A bannering campaign was launched on travel websites all over Europe. From a website people from abroad could choose one of the billboards and make free calls to ask people in Brussels an honest answer about what life was really like in the city. Via livestreams people could view the person answering the phone as well as the surrounding area.


In 5 days, 12,688 phone calls were made from 154 countries.

The hashtag #CallBrussels was used all over the world.

The campaign was massively spread by the press and social media (more than 32.8 million impressions) and was tested -and approved- by The Washington Post.

In todays context, the movie became a statement against terrorism. Against the attacks on our values. Against the attack on our freedom.

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