Cannes Lions

Calles con memoria


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Case Film
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Chile had one of the most influential events to occur in the past 20 years, the “Social outbreak” was a gathering of the country’s population to voice their discontent with Chile’s government administration. Many cases of human rights violations were recorded during the course of the social unrest, with complaints of violence the most prominent and some being even fatal. After a long time of these situations, many of this lawsuits had not been resolved and so, Amnistía Internacional looked to make a statement about the justice that was not being served.


Looking to make an impact that would allow people to learn about those affected by the human rights violations that occurred, Amnistía Internacional, a human rights watch organization, created “Calles con Memoria”. A digital campaign that showcased the story of 11 survivors that had not received any compensation by the government in relation to the atrocities that affected them. To achieve this, the different survivors were photographed at the places where they had their human rights violated holding a sign that summarized their story and informed about the justice that was not being served. Those photographs were then uploaded to social media and Google’s Street View, raising awareness about the need for justice and the horrible events that occurred during Chile’s social outbreak.


Aministía Internacional made an awareness campaign that merged together offline and online medias in a call for justice those affected by the different caliber of human rights violations occurred during Chile's social outbreak.

This was achieved by documenting 11 victims -or in some unfortunate cases, their relatives- in the exact places their human rights were violated by the Chilean police. We took those pictures and shared them organically via International Amnesty social media and in a very special way to Google’s Street View (a bit of hacking was necessary). “Calles con Memoria” looked to make an impact about the injustices that thousands of Chileans suffered when they looked to stand up to the inequalities of the country.


Two years later after the date that is officially recognized as the beginning of Chile’s social outbreak, 11 victims were documented and then uploaded organically to the social media channels of Amnistía Internacional (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) with said pictures being added also to Google’s Street View. These pictures represented a way of telling people in Chile and around the world about how the people, location and situations were human rights were violated, marking the exact places in the map (Google Maps to be precise) in a form of protest against the lack of justice for those affected during the social outbreak in Chile.


“Calles con Memoria” biggest achievements was sparking once again the conversation about the atrocities that occurred during Chile’s social outbreak. With an increased number of views, mentions and even lawsuits emitted against Chile’s government.

In terms of social media, Amnistía Internacional achieved:

· More than 109 million impressions for the second anniversary of the social outbreak in Chile

· Over 17 million people reached in more than 15 countries.

· More than 50.000 views on Google’s Street View.

· More than 20.000 mentions for #CallesConMemoria.

· Unique tweets by Chilean celebrities like Francisca Valenzeula, Nano Stern, Alfredo Castro, Roberto Márquez, etc.

And when it comes to the pursuit for justice, thanks to “Calles con Memoria” more than 4.000 new lawsuit were emitted against authorities responsible for the human rights violations.

All of this, without a single dollar invested in a media campaign.

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