Cannes Lions

Camino a Bienestar








The main creative objective was to find 10 people who fulfilled a requirement: people for whom sport is a healthy and balanced way of life, with a captivating life story. We conducted a national casting to find the right people and take them to two trips to do an activity that would be a challenge for them and that would allow us to meet them. Five of them went to the Italian Alps with Pau Gasol to make a trekking and a historical via ferrata; and the other five went to the Scottish Highlands accompanied by Mireia Belmonte for hiking and kayaking. Miguel Ángel Muñoz is the figure of continuity who acts as a narrator, as well as a guide, confident and friend of the protagonists. The product would be shown only in integrated moments of consumption, but the values ??would be present throughout the adventure.


After an awareness campaign in social networks to call casting people from all over Spain, there was a face-to-face casting in Madrid in May 2017, where the 10 participants were selected. The production team carried out the scouting tasks in June for the trip of the Italian Dolomites, and defined the activities and locations where the adventure would take place, as well as closing guides, accommodation and services. The trip to Italy was recorded in 5 days of the month of July. On the way back, in August, scouting in Highlands was carried out with the same objectives and recorded in 5 days at mid-July. At the same time, the editing and post-production tasks were carried out.

The main and complementary pieces were published until November. The whole campaign took place from May to December of 2017.


The media were published exclusively in a digital environment, and had a high impact on social networks, with more than 6.5 million of reproductions.

Throughout the campaign, 12.5K interactions in networks have been generated - comments, shares and reactions, almost all of them positive comments.

In addition, the ambassadors of the project, Pau Gasol, Mireia Belmonte and Miguel Ángel Muñoz shared the publications on their own channels, which produced a great viralization of the contents. The videos that have the highest engagement have been those that tell the stories of the participants and the largest number of reproductions have the complete pieces of both trips shared on YouTube.

We verified an improvement of the understanding of the product and of the benefits and moment of adequate consumption, thus fulfilling the main objectives of the brand with this project.

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