Cannes Lions
FORSMAN & BODENFORS, Gothenburg / VING / 2008
Every year about 350 000 Swedes travel to the Canarias. In the winter this is the number one destination.In recent years the Canarias have gotten a heavy beating from newer destinations such as Thailand. There are also prejudices against the destination; ’Grisfester’ (that’s fiestas with barbecued sucklings and a lot of drunk people), non-charming big hotel complexes, and Swedish meatballs on every menu. The Canarias are said to be an unimaginative and an out of date destination.With this campaign Ving shows another side of the Canarias, The Canarias of Ving. The objective is to vitalize the perception among, above all, couples travelling without children.We know that accommodation is a priority among travellers going away to see the sun for a week, therefore this campaign focuses on the marvellous hotels that Ving offers.Result of the campaign:66% increase in sales compared to the same period last year.25% increase in booking for the whole winter season compared to the same period last year.
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