Spikes Asia


PHD, Sydney / BAYER / 2018


1 Gold Spikes Asia
1 Bronze Spikes Asia
1 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Presentation Image
Case Film






Canesten has a 40-year heritage in the thrush treatment category.

It’s currently the No. 1 Brand in the market.

However, over the last few years, more and more pharmacists were recommending generic and pharmacy-owned thrush treatments.

Thrush treatments are a non-prescription medicine which can only be obtained upon the consultation of a pharmacist.

Canesten was increasingly at the mercy of pharmacists who were recommending these pharmacy-owned and low price generic treatments over Canesten.

We had to make Canesten SYNONYMOUS with thrush and get women to RECALL and ask for the brand BY NAME.

Seems simple, however, we had one BIG problem:

Despite 75% of women suffering from thrush at some point in their lives, they don’t like to talk about it with their friends - let alone with their pharmacist - many of whom are male.


With no creative agency involvement and a small budget, we created an epic 2-minute music video, housed on SketchSHE’s YouTube channel.

We then created a 15-second and 6-second cutdown of the content which we programmatically targeted to our audience across TrueView on YouTube, Facebook, as well as other female-targeted environments.

These versions also drove further traffic back to the long-form version on YouTube and encouraged people to share.

The content was posted by the girls on SketchSHE’s social channels - Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram - to drive further conversation and sharing.

Finally, to drive PR, we created and distributed a special SketchSHE Airlines VIP amenity kit which we sent to handpicked Australian influencers and key journalists.

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