Cannes Lions


PLAN.NET, Hamburg / undefined / 2009

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We created a homepage for the Rainbow Clinics that contains all information about the clinics and the disease: movies about the inpatients, symptoms, a shop for uniquists, a uniquism-test, success stories and much more. The reasonable connection to our client CANVASCO: We placed them on the website as the foundation, sponsor and the clinic’s bag-provider and placed a direct link to their homepage and products. To make the site the most unique side ever, we invented the “uniquist-mode.” In this mode the site changes its look and design with every single click – so no page looks like another and every visit to the website will be different and a totally new experience. Hundreds of different page designs were created and are chosen via random programming – the very first random design of the world.


The websites immediate spread on fashion and designblogs went straight into people’s hearts. As we launched the website in March 2009 we don’t have relevant numbers in detail yet.