Cannes Lions



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P&G has a global partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and was a sponsor of the 2012 London Games. P&G needed a relevant way to connect their products with the emotion of the Olympics and drive sales in a price competitive market.

Research and local insights revealed that Londoners were proud of the city and wanted their city to shine in time for the Olympics.

Working in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA), the 'P&G Capital Clean Up' community campaign to spruce up London was launched. To ensure that London looked its best for the games and beyond, three low-interest but relevant brands – Ariel, Febreze and Flash – were chosen for their rich heritage in delivering best performance in consumers’ minds.

A group of ambassadors were recruited including Boris Johnson, Mayor of London to promote the Clean Up three months before the Games. Unique, ownable brand events ran in parallel to the city-wide clean up, boosting consumers’ engagement with the three brands through purpose-led creative activations.

The Ariel Big Sprint recruited 1,700 volunteers and partners for the city-wide cleaning, Flash Art included art installations and YouTube activity, and Febreze Fresh Havens saw the transformation of unused, unloved spaces into gardens that left a legacy for urban communities.

Launched using traditional and digital media, the campaign generated 363 pieces of coverage with a total reach of over 351.2 million (index 260% against target), 17 positive blog posts, 491 monitored Tweets and 40,000 YouTube views.


The multi-tiered PR campaign was launched 8 March and went through to 28 June 2012.

The ‘Helping London look its best’ campaign used elements to drive a strong, consistent, involving, community call to action.

Three ownable events were created linking each of the brands in a way that brought their use to life and reflected their personality in a relevant and impactful way.

- The Ariel Big Sprint recruited enthusiastic volunteers to clean across four London boroughs for a number of challenges to create lasting local improvements.

- Febreze Fresh Havens were created by transforming unloved urban corners into fresh green spaces as a lasting community legacy. The mobile Febreze Fresh Haven popped up at commuter hotspots across London.

- Flash Art emphasised the brand’s cleaning benefits through Europe’s largest clean art installation.

There was a campaign wrap-up with an exhibition of London artists about Clean London.


The campaign created substantial interest both locally and in the UK, linking the three brands within the P&G portfolio with the Games in a relevant, impactful way.

The PR campaign generated material for an ad-funded programme. In addition, there were 363 pieces of press coverage (index 216% against target) reaching 351.2million (index 260% against target), 200,000 YouTube views of the Flash Art video and 40,000 of the PR videos. One ambassador interview generated 97 pieces of coverage alone.

Action/Business Impact:

1,700 community champions volunteered for the Ariel Big Sprint, spending 5,000 hours cleaning 10 square miles in 20+ clean-up events across London.

Flash Art transformed 370m2 of London’s Southbank into Europe’s largest clean art gallery attracting 30,000 visitors in three weeks.

Febreze Fresh Havens created a legacy of urban community green spaces.

London was made to look its best and P&G helped make this a reality.

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