Cannes Lions

Changemakers Season 2: Safe Water Access

PEPSICO, New York / PEPSICO / 2024

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Since one of our PepsiCo Positive  goals is to reach 100 million people with safe water access by the year 2030, this series set out to spotlight the need for this goal and the progress that we've made so far. The PepsiCo Foundation decided to partner with the PepsiCo Content & Channels Center of Excellence to launch a global video series that will inspire our audiences, amplify our partners, and catalyze funding​.

BRIEF: Six episodes, 4-6min each. Each episode will focus on Changemakers on the ground making a difference in their community. Each Changemaker subject will have gone through a FDN safe water access program with our nonprofit partners.​ We will ensure that the focus of the video will be on the Changemaker and their community, with PepsiCo and the nonprofit partner featured as critical enablers. Leveraging a "story-doing" approach, we'll our work in action and its catalyzed impact​.​


Produce a 6-part global video series where each episode focuses on Changemakers from around the world working to make a difference in water access in their community. Combine character-driven story techniques with cinematic visuals to educate our audiences on the issue of inequitable access to safe water. Stories included:

-WaterAid in Pakistan: About a doctor who helped install and now oversee a water filtration plant in her community.

-Safe Water Network in India: An ASHA helps raise awareness of the importance of clean drinking water and safe hygiene. 

-Inter-American Development Bank Aquafund in Guatemala: A mother helps bring potable water to her community.

WaterAid in Ethiopia: A local receives plumbing training to provide timely repairs to the water system.

-World Wildlife Fund/Environmental Rural Solutions in South Africa: Tukulo helps protect and restore critical springs to provide clean potable water to his community.

-Raks Thai in Thailand: A coffee farmer trains female farmers on leveraging water.


Our target audience consisted of our Grantees & Non-Profit Partners, Thought Leaders & Policy Makers, our Associates as well as our Consumers and Customers. Each had an equal share of our target, with different aspects of the series pertaining to each of them. Our Non-Profit partners, in being spotlit in these episodes, should view us as the collaborator of choice, both in situations where immediate impact is needed and when working towards long-term solutions. We wanted Thought Leaders to be inspired by our demonstrated impact, and view us not only as a leader in food & beverage, but also as a purpose-driven organization. We want our Associates to be proud of the work we do, and we want the general consumers to be aware of the hard work the Foundation does.

Our a cinematic approach, with stories based all around the world, helped cater to this on a global scale.


January 2023: Begin research and story-mining into our NGO partners to find possible stories to feature in the episodes.

April 2023: Stories locked and approved by Foundation, NGO Partners. Pre-production in full swing for our Global production team, who divided and conquered to produce each episode.

June 2023: Filming complete, Post production begins. The review process also begins with stakeholders as well as the Foundation, with a double-checking on the content through translators and NGO partners.

Late July 2023: Distribute toolkits to markets.

August 11th, 2023: Series Launch

We had paid media placement for the series via the New York Times and Youtube, as well as partnerships with Market Corporate Affairs, Corporate Social teams, and Internal Comms teams to amplify full series & local videos​ on channels across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We also launched on internal corporate channels such as MyPepsiCo, Yammer and HelloPepsiCo.


Promoted via paid media – Overachieving goals with more than 16MM impressions and 7.5MM video completions of our ad content via New York Times and YouTube with above average CTR's on both platforms​​. We have tracked at least 110+ unique social posts in total across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. For our internal channels, MyPepsiCo, Yammer and HelloPepsiCo content drove more than 7,000+ views among associates.​

The attention that was driven to the PepsiCo Foundation website as well as the NGO partners was successful in raising awareness about the struggle of safe water access. This drives more funds to the PepsiCo Foundation and their partners, and leads to successes like the story in Pakistan: In 2023, the PepsiCo Foundation via WaterAid installed 6 water filtration plants in Islamabad which now provides clean water access to 200,000 people. Access to clean water in that region jumped from from 41% to 96%.

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