Cannes Lions



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Draw attention, at a national level, to the current financing offered by the GM Dealers. The solution was to use TV in a new way.

In the most important, watched and involving sporting events of the year, at the most crucial and involving moments of the match, we placed the dealers messages right where the action was. Mexican league football (soccer) advertising is traditionally found at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the match. Because of this placement in breaks in the action, viewer attention can often be distracted (by a trip to get a beer, for example). The key contribution of the media team, in this case, was to find an innovative way to reach our football-watching target audience in the middle of the action; at the exact moment when they would be the most focussed and the most involved in game. Working with Publicidad Virtual, the media team found a way to get our message (consistent with the print and radio campaign) to the target at moments when their eyes were glued to the set. Any car dealer ad that can claim to have the male population of a country leaning forward and cheering as it comes on the screen deserves at the very least to be considered for a prize.

This was a completely original placement for a carmaker and for a car offer.

Placement in key Mexican football matches was an excellent fit with the target for these vehicles and allowed the dealers to expand their campaign from the usual print and radio. But placement in the middle of the action with “virtual ads” allowed the dealers to deliver their message at the moments of greatest interest and attention for the viewers.


Mexican league football (soccer) advertising is traditionally found at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the match. Because of this placement in breaks in the action, viewer attention can often be distracted (by a trip to get a beer, for example). The key contribution of the media team, in this case, was to find an innovative way to reach our football-watching target audience in the middle of the action; at the exact moment when they would be the most focussed and the most involved in game. Working with Publicidad Virtual, the media team found a way to get our message (consistent with the print and radio campaign) to the target at moments when their eyes were glued to the set.

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