Cannes Lions

Chex Green Onion campaign


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Our employee engagement survey results showed that, because of the strong consumer perception of Chex Choco that ‘it is popular with young children’, consumers in their teens and older had their brand image that ‘it is not the brand for me’.

We saw this as an opportunity for a target market, teens, and their families, which account for the second-largest user group of Chex Choco after the kids and their families, and decided to run a new product launch campaign on YouTube to meet the needs of Gen Z.

We aimed to satisfy the needs of Gen Z, a customer group that is always looking for something new and interesting, by actually releasing Green Onion-Flavored Chex. We also aim to enable the product to be consumed playfully through a witty and creative concept that is completely different from the tone and manner of the existing Chex Choco campaign.


16 years ago, there was a battle for the Green Onion-Flavored Chex and Chocolate-Flavored Chex voting event. Eventually, the event ended with Chex Choco's victory, but the young people's interest in the development of Green Onion-Flavored Chex continued.

When the release of Green Onion-Flavored Chex was decided in 2020 after 16 years, when the product was about to be released, we had many thoughts on how to execute the product announcement.

In order to raise expectations of Green Onion-Flavored Chex and convey an apology for consumers from the brand standpoint, a creative theme, a ‘Pleasant Apology’ was planned.

Since the Green Onion-Flavored Chex marketing campaign with real products has already been established playfully on the Internet, the product release itself had topicality.

creative idea that has drawn a lot of engagement of Gen Z users within the YouTube platform was the driving force that led to sales performance


Digital playground of our target users, the Gen-Z audience, we set YouTube as the core communication window.

There are four core strategies to achieve our campaign goals.

1. Bumper ad execution that can increase the rate of reaching to our target customers in the product launch campaign.

2. Execution of TrueView Discovery, which is advantageous for securing customer engagement, such as through comments and likes. You can find out the habits of users by looking at the comments.

3. Setting up customized targeting to reach our target audience aged 18 to 24 years and teens. targeting by the age group of 18 to 24 years & the unknown, we set up the channel and the keywords focusing on the contents they mainly use.

4. Creating target user expectations using the YouTube community function.

community function was used to make the new product tasting-related announcements, and the communication with target users.


The campaign at the launch stage was focused on reaching the target audience and spreading issues. We have achieved the campaign goals by utilizing YouTube channel and SNS community, which are essential for achieving our goals and the engagement of our target audience.

We were able to spread the event by first uploading a video for recruiting the product tasting group on the YouTube channel, which is the playground of Gen-Z users. By simply uploading a video, the spread of issues was maximized as it began to be exposed as a recommended video to our target users, and the comments began to be posted quickly.

After the launch of the bumper ad, we launched Youtube that can increase the level of involvement in the video, made our target users aware of the product launch, and induced their interests. The period was from June 29 to July 12, 2020


Actual campaign performance exceeded our expectations.

As soon as the 6-second video informing the recruitment of the tasting group was uploaded on the YouTube, the number of views exploded, increasing to 200,000 views in a week.

The number of impressions reached 350,000 with 254,000 views to 179,000 people in June alone. With just a short 6-second video, we got 4,320 likes, 2500 comments, and 263 subscribers. The 71-second full-length video reached 2.16 million impressions and 61.4 million views over a month in June. We secured 3,837 likes and comments and 1,103 subscribers. (Source: Kellogg Channel's YouTube Studio)

clicks and views 22% higher inquiry rate and 64%

With such successful campaign execution, 60% of the limited edition product of Green Onion Chex was sold out in two weeks, as well as the overall sales volume of the Chex brand more than doubled, recording the growth of the brand as a whole.

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