Cannes Lions



Case Film






Italy follows the European directive about product placement. The directive must be respected by the mass media, therefore the rules must be apply to analogic and digital television, live broadcasts, web television and near video on demand. The directive is also applied to programs dedicated to games of chance or luck.

European legislation prohibits product placement but admits exceptions for: cinematographic works, films and series made for audiovisual media services, sports programs and entertainment programs, or where, there is no payment but only provision of certain property or services.

The P.P.P. is banned in programs for children, documentaries and religious programs.

The programs that contain product placement must respect the following requirements:

-Their content and, in the case of television broadcasting, their scheduling should not be influenced by product.

-Must not encourage buying making directly references to promotional activity made by product or services.

-Must not give unfair prominence to the product.

-The viewers must be clearly informed about existence of product placement in the programme.

-The legislation prohibits the inclusion of the following products: tobacco, cigarettes, drugs or medical treatments, particular caution should be taken in product placement with alcoholic beverages.


The audience were drawn to the content through different tools that involved different media.

The story started with the UGC contest and its communication.

The audience was touched from the content through:

-Press: editorial pages on Vanity Fair (Media Partner)

-Web: communication of Vanity Fair official web site and other Web sites in target

-Social: Facebook Fan Page of the product “place were the contest lived”

At the end of the contest the content continued its life during an event in Milan and after the event as ADV on the magazine planned for the brand/product communication.


Facebook campaign: 200.000 clicks

Contest participants: 3700

Uploaded pictures: 3700

Professional bloggers articles: 30

Number of posts: +600

Total amount of impressions: +30 millions

Impressions Var.% Vs. forecast: +103%

Number of DEM: 800.000

Opened DEM: 11%

DEM Likes%: 11%

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