Cannes Lions

Childhood dreams

JOE PUBLIC, Amsterdam / KIKA / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






Situation: Dutch child cancer Foundation KiKa has been organizing sponsorship activations for 20 years. Successfully, thanks to donations and research 81% of children in the Netherlands suffering with cancer are now cured. But still, 20% doesn't survive. KiKa wants every kid to grow up carefree and reach a 100% recovery rate.

Brief: Start acting as a brand to let a broader audience outside the existing base know what KiKa stands for.

Objectives: Rise in brand awareness, consideration and preference, growth in donors and donations.


A unique angle for campaigns about deadly diseases: hopeful and positive, using the actual 81% recovery rate as an eye-opener. Featuring adults who have made their childhood dreams come true, becoming a fire guard, a dancer, a mother, a football player.

These recovered adults are looking into a mirror and looking back on their time as child cancer patients. And realizing they made it. But not all sick kids are that lucky. That's why we play around the negative recovery expectations about child cancer, turning it into a positive outcome. To illustrate donations and research work. The KiKa foundation wants every young patient to get better and ask people to support our mission.


* Target audience: a broad audience, outside the current base of enthusiasts (secondary: current base, parents of young patients).

* Insight: people think that child cancer is incurable. But right now 81% of the patients survive. Which is solid proof that funding and donations actually work.

* Approach: positive and hopeful, focusing on the 81% recovery rate as an eye-opener. Which means we need to make an extra effort to reach 100%.


The campaign started April 2023 and is still running in 2024. Various campaign items run nationwide in different channels: TV and cinema, radio, online video, social channels, bannering, print, outdoor and press coverage with additional social videos in documentary style, featuring young patient Anne and her classmates, dreaming about their possible future.


- Spontaneous brand awareness +19%* (nearly triples!!).

- Aided brand awareness +7%*.

- Brand consideration +19%* (* significant result).

- Rand preference +5% (source: Candid Market Research, jan. 2024).

- KiKa reaches nr.1 position in yearly Brand Monitor NGO's (source: Brand Alchemy & University of Amsterdam).

- Number of donors rises +17% (the previous years a significant decline).

- Amount of donations rises +63%.

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