Cannes Lions
ESCALA, Porto Alegre / FUNDACAO TENIS / 2009
The action took place at corners where street kids usually ask for money. When the light went red, young circus performers donning Fundação Tênis uniforms put on to drivers the same juggling numbers with tennis balls that street kids do. After their act though, instead of asking for money, they gave each car a tennis ball bearing the message: “Tennis can get a lot of kids out of the streets.”That way, drivers were invited to go to the website and learn about the Foundation that takes kids to vocational training and job internships, opening up a new horizon for their lives. The population, usually resigned to their helplessness, realized that they could now actually help change that reality.
On a single day, 1,000 tennis balls were handed out. Besides reaching drivers and their families, the action featured in all local newspapers and the number of visits to the hot site quadrupled, not only making the Institution known but also increasing the number of donors by 200%.
The Foundation’s work helped 92.5% of the children pass at school, and 0% of the kids assisted dropped out, thus changing their lives forever.
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