Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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Brushing presents challenges for young children. It requires concentration, manual dexterity and patience to brush for the dentist-recommended two minutes. Plus, kids are taught to brush while looking in the mirror, which means, no screens to offer a distraction.

Our insight: if we created a compelling non-visual manner to guide and entertain children as they brush for the dentist-recommended two minutes, we could foster a love of brushing. With audio content full of surprising facts, educational quizzes, silly jokes and catchy music, we could win over kids and parents, the ultimate decision makers.

So, we created “Chompers,” a brushing audio companion that entertains kids every morning and every night, guiding them to brush all four quadrants of their mouths over the course of at least two minutes. "Chompers" solves a parental pain point, giving kids a reason to look forward to the next time they get to brush their teeth.


Through a key partnership with an expert in the field, we first ensured that “Chompers” would be distributed everywhere people get podcasts, like iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.

However, we wanted "Chompers" to innovate beyond a traditional podcast. We felt that "Chompers" presented enormous potential as a daily, interactive audio experience. That’s why we built an Amazon Alexa skill for smart speaker distribution. We incorporated “winning streaks” into the Alexa skill. These streaks reward children with special audio messages when they brush for a number of consecutive days. "Chompers" allows children to actively choose to brush by simply saying: “Alexa, start "Chompers” to their family’s Amazon device.

We promoted "Chompers" through spots on children’s podcasts, whose listeners include a disproportionately large number of parents. We also organized a coordinated PR push, targeting pediatric dentists, press, and parent influencers.


"Chompers" sought to make life easier for parents by getting kids to not just enjoy brushing, but to brush better and more habitually.

The results show overwhelming success on all counts. Before "Chompers", only 6% of parents reported that it was “very easy” to get their kids to brush. After "Chompers," that number jumped to 68%.

As for regularity, only 47% of parents reported that their kids brushed every morning before “Chompers.” After "Chompers", that number was boosted to 73%. Night time brushing also saw big gains, with "Chompers" increasing the percentage of children brushing from 69% to 89%.

The show also yielded considerable gratitude from parents, with 91% reporting their kids were brushing more as a result of using “Chompers.”

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