Cannes Lions


DDB MELBOURNE, Melbourne / DDB / 2008

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The brief was to create a theme for our office Christmas party and create hype and a sense of excitement around the night. We needed to carry the theme through to a teaser invitation, a physical invitation and then onto the night itself. The invitations would be sent to all invited guest - our clients, staff and suppliers.


The theme we created was magic. We wanted our invited guests to experience the theme right from the very first mention of the party. The campaign began with an online teaser that performed a magic trick on their screen*. Next we mailed an invitation in the form of a physical piece of magic that happened right in their own hands. By carefully following the instructions included, the guest could make the invitation card appear and disappear at will.

*The URL -


With a little practice our guests had their own piece of magic to perform for their friends and colleagues. In this way they began their transformations into magical beings from the moment they received their invitation. A huge hype began to build around the party. We had reports of our clients marketing departments performing their magic tricks for the rest of their office. Needless to say the party was a huge success, we had an overwhelming turnout for the event and the effort put into guest’s magical costumes was astounding.

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