
City Life Billboard


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Hamburg's Senate signed up to the EU's goal of eliminating homelessness by 2030. However, 43 homeless people died here last year – the highest number in ages. Even though Hamburg is one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. How can this happen? We must not forget the most disadvantaged members of society in times when many things may seem more important to us. Hinz&Kunzt, an aid organisation fighting to get people off Hamburg's streets since 1993, wanted to bring this painful issue to the public eye, protect the homeless and completely eliminate homelessness as soon as possible. Because housing is a basic right.


Inquiries from left-wing members of the Hamburg Senate revealed that 43 homeless people died here last year – the highest number in ages. At the same time, Hamburg city aims to eliminate homelessness by 2030. According to Rose, the social policy spokeswoman of the Left faction, the administration lacks a master plan. To raise awareness of the problem and put pressure on the city, we took mobile billboards and converted them, so the space between the panels became a safe shelter for people living on the streets. This is how the City Life Billboard was born. And we placed it in busy areas whereas many people as possible could see it, right where homeless people concentrate. Ads on the billboards finance the shelter and even generate profit – with 100% of it going into a fund to provide homeless people with a roof over their heads in the long term.


Inquiries from left-wing members of the Hamburg Senate revealed that 43 homeless people died here last year – the highest number in ages. At the same time, Hamburg city aims to eliminate homelessness by 2030. According to the social policy spokeswoman of the Left faction, the administration lacks a master plan – and with other issues taking priority, the public tend to overlook the issue. We set ourselves to help by:

Task 1: Awareness

A billboard where homeless people find shelter raises awareness. And the communication assets explain why it's needed - because homeless people continue to die.

Task 2: Emergency shelter for the homeless

A space that can save the lives of people in need.

Task 3: Generate relief funds

Advertising on the billboards finances the shelter and projects to permanently help people off the streets.


We made the City Life Billboard a tangible experience for both homeless people and other citizens in prominent places of Hamburg. The billboards reminded the city's Senate of its promise to end homelessness by 2030 and called on all Hamburg citizens to join us in helping homeless people off the streets. Online, an emotional film spread our message far beyond the city limits, and users could find out more on the campaign website. Companies could book the City Life Billboard for their advertising posters. Private individuals helped to get homeless people off the streets with a donation. And those who had extra living space could even offer it to homeless people via the website. Various influencers reported on the City Life Billboard free of charge. And the German and international press also reported on the initiative.


The City Life Billboard hit a social nerve. Homeless people found a safe place to sleep, and they became the new talk of the town of Hamburg. But they were not the only ones: We reached 36.9 million media impressions through 171 news items from 27 countries within one week. This corresponds to an Equivalent Advertising Value of over 1.4 million Euro. Various influencers picked up the story for free, and one even booked his own advertising poster. The City Life Billboard itself reached 1.24 million people in the first seven weeks.

We received dozens of requests from advertisers to book the City Life Billboard after it was launched. And two weeks into the campaign, the City Life Billboard had already generated 97,600 Euro through media bookings alone. A good start to offer a long-term roof over the heads of the homeless.

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