Cannes Lions

Clorox Color Blind

HORIZON FCB, Dubai / CLOROX / 2023

Digital Proof JPG
Digital Proof JPG
Supporting Images






8% of the population in the Middle East have some form of color vision deficiency, which can impact how they see their clothes.

Clorox believes that no matter how people see color, they should feel confident that the ones in their clothes are as vibrant and bright as they can be.

So we created 'Colors as they should be', a campaign of posters with headlines that talk to people with varying degrees of color deficiency, with the objective to increase brand awareness and highlight the brand's commitment to delivering an effective color boosting laundry detergent.


Clorox colors is known for boosting, brightening and keeping the colors in clothing true.

All colors. Including the ones people are unable to see.

As 8% of the population in the Middle East have some form of color deficiency, we came up with colors as they should be. A campaign that talks to everyone no matter how they see color.

Taking inspiration from the Ishihara color vision test technique, we crafted a series of posters that were fully or partially visible to different people with varying levels of color deficiency.

This campaign let people know that no matter how they color, Clorox have got them covered.


We developed a print campaign inspired by the Ishihara color vision test. Each execution contains two separate headlines visible to different people depending on their color vision, but each containing a message that Clorox keeps the color in their clothing true.

The bright, colorful designs purposefully make the typography challenging to read at first glance, just like in our inspiration; the Ishihara test.

Studying the color palettes of the 3 main types of colorblindness (Protanopia, Deuteranopia, and Tritanopia) was necessary so our headlines could be read by different groups of people.

As an added design detail, people can also discover that the familiar circles of the Ishihara test have been replaced by clothing items linking back to Clorox laundry detergent.

The aim was to create a fun lighthearted campaign to intrigue viewers to try and read the messages embedded in the design, making ads that are engaging and rewarding.


The campaign reinforced Clorox's commitment to delivering an effective color boosting detergent product. It raised awareness for the brand in the Middle East, and let people know that no matter how they color, Clorox have got them covered.

With printed posters in targeted clothing-centric locations, the campaign improved the perception of the Clorox brand, with consumers viewing it as more caring, empathetic, and trustworthy.

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