Cannes Lions



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Lebanese coffee is a popular social experience that follows a certain ritual of reading fortunes from the coffee residue. Fortune-tellers use special terminology that’s interpreted differently depending on what the reader sees.

Cafe Super Brasil wanted to raise awareness around their coffee brand in popular areas in Beirut. After 9 months of political crisis, we created a character; Abou Nazih a butler in the government headquarters that predicts the country’s fate by reading politicians’ coffee cups. Abou Nazih became the Lebanese people's guide to predicting the country’s future. The campaign ran on TV, radio, & online.On New Year’s, the CSB activation purpose was to invite the Lebanese society to put their thumbprint in coffee residue and make one united wish: a bright destiny for their country, this year. To push the cause further, inspirational Lebanese figures and celebrities also participated in sharing a positive wish on the stand.


The campaign was launched through a TVC and followed up by radio ads that complemented the TV using the same character yet providing some timely updates on hot Lebanese topics. Following the TVC and riding on the momentum we created coffee reading stands in points of sale.

We took part in a prominent Christmas fair during which we invited people to take part in our initiative and join their voice to that of CSB, an activity which was given notoriety through the endorsement of some prominent celebrities. The event was documented and followed in real time on social media and followed up with press releases in all major publications.


The campaign reached more than 2,500,000 people - more than half of the Lebanese population.10,000 visitors had their fortune read and 3,500 thumbprints were collected in less than 4 days, including that of top celebrities.

Sales increased by 28.8% in key strategic areas.The none-quantifiable returns that built on the brand equity; - The campaign was spoofed on a prominent Lebanese comedy show - The campaign was referenced in a political talk show - A leading caricaturist used our idea to draw the Lebanese confusion Finally the tradition of fortune telling in coffee cups was revived and accredited in part to CSB who’s aura grew nationwide as a brand that is socially responsible.

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