Cannes Lions


DDB MUDRA GROUP, Mumbai / undefined / 2012


6 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Our client wanted to increase Coffee Gold's brand awareness. In the cluttered market, other brands were banking on their coffee’s taste, celebrities or the social status their brand carries, to sell. But we didn't have the luxury of these choices and hence needed something drastically different to catch the consumer's eye and hence, we played on the fact that coffee keeps you alert. We targeted the part of society that could afford yet chose to not consume coffee. Our aim was to create the need for coffee and create more coffee drinkers, especially Coffee Gold drinkers.


For our new USP, we had to have an exceptional execution to catch people's eyes. And this is why, we painstakingly planned and then created every little illustration in great detail. Each one of them tells a story that adds humour and keeps one interested. Additionally, the actual, physical, narrowing down of the story to a single point, provided the needed anti-climax to get our message across.Being a fun and energetic brand, these comic illustrations went completely well with Coffee Gold's brand image.


The sales of Coffee Gold increased by 19% in just 2 months.