Cannes Lions

Controle de la Poitrine


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In French a breast exam has the same name as a chest trap: ‘Contrôle de la Poitrine’.

The Olympique de Marseille used the love for football to create a nation wide movement in France asking people to do their own ‘contrôle de la poitrine’ on the field to get more women to do them in hospitals.

A simple and concrete action to get simple concrete results. The idea was to get as many people as possible to film themselves doing the football move ‘contrôle de la poitrine’ and share it on their social networks so that the message would spread and more women would get tested.


It all started during the first week of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when videos of people performing the football move "contrôle de la poitrine" appeared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Five days later the Olympique de Marseille’s female football team posted their own "contrôle de la poitrine”, officially launching the campaign and inviting everyone to share a video of them performing the move.

Members of the football community responded instantly, sharing videos across all social media platforms. The movement spread quickly with people challenging, nominating and dedicating in their posts.

Meanwhile we sent branded balls to the press and influencers, who not only promoted our message but shared their own "contrôle de la poitrine”.

With help of this user generated content and the buzz that surrounded it, the movement spread to all of France which resulted in more women getting breast exams in hospitals.


Tier 1:

The campaign earned national press coverage, accumulating an audience of over 55 million with outlets including L'équipe, So Foot, Grazia, Le Figaro, France TV, Konbini and Le Parisien putting the campaign and it's message at the heart of conversations all over France.

Tier 2:

It received massive support and involvement from not only the football world but all different sectors.

Thousands of people created their own videos sharing them to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat and encouraged their friends/followers to do the same.

The campaign was carried by journalists, influencers, football stars, politicians, popstars and the general public, with both men and women coming together for the cause.

Tier 3:

In only 3 weeks with absolutely no media spend we obtained a reach of over 90 million organic impressions, over 6000 social media mentions, and #controledelapoitrine was the leading hashtag on womens health forums.

Most importantly, the campaign resulted in an 17.29% increase in breast exams in Marseille, meaning for each video shared, 10 women got tested.