Cannes Lions
ANOMALY, New York / CONVERSE / 2015
There was no paid media support for strategic reasons. Authenticity demanded the Spot Drops were a contribution to the skate community. Private land was sourced to work around public safety law concerns. Once the spots were discovered they were shared through Instagram and skate blogs. The Converse CONS Instagram posted the spots but never shared an address. This drove credibility and popularity as sites were claimed and promoted by the skaters.
2 million social media impressions were tracked over 3 months around the installations (Source: Sysmos). There was no brand hashtag so there could be more untraceable chatter.
This is a significant level of buzz for an activation with no marketing, no PR and just a branding plaque – equal to a skate project with strong digital promotion.
We gained the respect of our peers like Stussy and KCDC, skate pros and the community. Influential site Quartersnacks voted it one of skateboarding’s most epic events of 2014. @tim_nolan called it the “best idea in skateboarding for a while”. Authenticity attained.
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