Cannes Lions


DENTSU, Tokyo / TOSHIBA / 2010

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March 17, 2010: on this day Toshiba, the pioneer of Japan's lighting market, decided to end the production of incandescent light bulbs for in-home use.This days also marked the 120-year anniversary of the introduction of the lighting technology by Ichisuke Fujioka, one of the founders of Toshiba, that had inherited it from Thomas Edison.For Toshiba it was a significant decision to end the production of incandescent light bulbs. As one of its original products, Toshiba had been producing light bulbs for 120 years, longer than any other Japanese company.That is why Toshiba had the ability to achieve a paradigm shift to the eco-friendly LED lights in just one year.

Our strategic PR campaign succeeded in making consumer's mind-changing and action-inspiring.


Within the 6 months from April to September 2009, we promoted Toshiba history in the media along with simple information about LED lighting.Then, the public movement got started: Toshiba announced the dawning of a new age with the "Declaration of the LED Era" as the representative of lighting manufacturers.Moreover, a 'Sayonara Ceremony of lights out on incandescent lights' was held on 3/17 2010 - During this ceremony the last light bulb was removed from the production line.


- Obtaining 1.5-billion-yen media exposure from april 2009 to march 2010.

- We created word-of-mouth communication regarding LED lighting.

- 87% of respondents showed interest in using LED bulbs.- Growth of LED lighting in the illumination market is notable.

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