Cannes Lions


BBDO WEST, San Francisco / GOODWILL / 2010

Presentation Image






The Challenge: Increase donations to Goodwill with literally nothing in paid media.The Objective: Get people to donate used clothes instead of simply discarding them.The Strategy: Deliver the message in the garments themselves by using their care tags as media.The Outcome: The donate care tags are in Levis garments nationwide. Positive press from the programme launch reached over 150 million people. The effects of the care tags will continue to be felt in donations for years to come.


The creative idea was to deliver Goodwill’s message in the garments themselves. All clothes have care instructions. We added one more, redefining what care really means: 'Donate to Goodwill when no longer needed and care for our planet'.We even designed a special 'donate' laundry symbol. The messaging was incorporated into new Levi’s clothing beginning in 2010.


The Care Tag for our Planet programme was launched at Levi’s flagship store to coincide with the Business for Social Responsibility Conference. Within hours, fashion and environmental bloggers, the trade press, local and national news media picked up the story. Over 300 articles appeared in everything from the New York Times to the Huffington Post to The press reached over 150 million people, helping to encourage donations as well as reducing the impact on the planet. Beyond that, it generated positive publicity for both Goodwill and Levi’s. It did all this with $0 in paid media.

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