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Imagine having to keep your baby in a wet diaper all day or having to choose between buying diapers or food. For millions of mothers, this is an everyday reality.

In 2009 with the economy still in decline, Huggies® representatives began reporting more calls about moms unable to provide diapers. Anecdotes about moms using plastic bags in place of diapers, reusing soiled diapers, or only being able to change their babies once a day (versus suggested 6-8 times), brought home this critical issue.

Huggies stepped forward to help with its first-ever corporate responsibility program. In addition to getting diapers to babies in need, HUGGIES® would build a diaper distribution network. "Every Little Bottom" was born.Coining the term, "diaper need," the team created an integrated communications campaign - using earned and social media, paid advertising, retail and nonprofit partners - to drive awareness and spark action. Over 300 local diaper drives were held. 100,000 moms donated loyalty points. Awareness of diaper need increased. New diaper banks opened. 26 million diapers were distributed to families in need—the equivalent of diapering 10,000 babies, seven times a day, for a full year. And Huggies is just beginning: Changing lives. One diaper at a time.


Public relations activities included:• Identity Development: Created logo, guidelines, messages.• Diaper Banks: Identified/engaged 10 organizations concerned with diaper need; convened first-ever diaper summit; opened new banks. • Media: Launched campaign with research findings. Announced initial 2.5 million diaper donation to local diaper banks. Introduced celebrity mom, Ellen Pompeo, as campaign ambassador on leading talk show.• Online: Created Web site with resources and personal stories of moms in need.• Employees: Kimberly-Clark employees organized diaper drives; established local diaper banks.• Social Media: Generated conversation and diapers on Huggies Facebook and Twitter communities; engaged seven blog ambassadors; and sponsored largest U.S. Mom blogger event, BlogHer.• Partnerships: Engaged nine nonprofits to raise awareness and execute ongoing diaper drives. Four national retailer partnerships enabled consumers to donate and turn loyalty points into diapers.• Integrated communications campaign: Led development of 4th quarter program that included retailer support, paid advertising.


In under a year, "Every Little Bottom" put a spotlight on diaper need and sparked consumer and stakeholder engagement. While awareness of the Pampers vaccine program remained flat, more than 107 million earned media impressions contributed to the increase in awareness of the Huggies program among mothers compared to March 2010 (19% vs. 7% in U.S; 21% vs. 7% in Canada). Coverage included The Ellen DeGeneres Show, USA Today, Associated Press and People. The Web site had 145,000 unique page views.The national diaper network and online resources united millions of consumers, 20 nonprofits, a national sports league and four national retailers to get diapers to babies in need. Over 300 diaper drives, online donations, donated loyalty points from 100,000 consumers (in just three weeks) and an integrated corporate responsibility campaign contributed to 26 million diapers donated—enough to diaper 10,000 babies, seven times daily, for an entire year.

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