Cannes Lions

Could it be this easy?



1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Supporting Content
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language
Supporting Content
Supporting Content
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language
Demo Film
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In a world where discussing constipation is often met with awkwardness, and all laxative ads sound the same, it becomes difficult to stand out. Macrogol HEXAL plus Elektrolyte embraced the challenge with a refreshing approach. Through immersive audio narratives, the campaign chose to mimic nature documentaries to guide listeners through newer euphemisms found in the wild and land the claim of smooth laxative relief. This unconventional route provided a fresh impulse for the brand and the laxative product, moving beyond mere entertainment to leave a lasting influence on consumers.


The casting process played a crucial role in bringing this campaign to life. While writing the radio spots, there was always an old British voice in our head narrating the stories. The voice had to be a masterful storyteller with the cadence, tone, speed of delivery combined with the knowledge, respect and wonder of the natural world. It doesn’t just convey information, but pulls listeners into the story, making it immersive and unforgettable. We sought out a voice talent capable of embodying this warmth and authority while maintaining a subtle sense of humour. After an extensive search, we found the perfect voice artist living exactly where one might imagine - Yorkshire. The voice artist not only lent credibility to the nature-inspired euphemisms but also brought in wit to land the effectiveness of the laxative campaign.


The humorous take from the radio spots went against the stigma around constipation and created conversations around it, enhancing the brand perception as witty and solution-focused, in a fresh yet memorable way.