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Cultivating A New Generation Of Hand Hygiene Ambassadors


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Globally, 4 out of 5 people do not wash their hands after using the toilet. Even during the pandemic, handwashing rates dropped dramatically after an initial spike.

Our Task: Futureproof humanity against infections through sustained handwashing behaviour.


Handwashing practices play a vital role in helping reduce diarrheal diseases by 30%-48% and acute respiratory infections by over 20%.

Lifebuoy has been championing illness-prevention through handwashing for over a century by providing affordable and effective germ-protection to billions. The world’s No.1 hygiene soap brand decided to fundamentally and sustainably drive handwashing to prevent infections.

Challenge: Turn handwashing with soap into a ‘life-long habit’ that helps keep people protected.


1. Raise awareness at scale.

2. Earn endorsements and coverage through social media and influencers.

3. Get countries to champion our habit-building approach.


The idea was to hard code handwashing within one of the first lessons of life, the ABCs – by making the letter ‘H’ stand for Handwashing.

For generations, children have been taught letters of the alphabet through simple associations with everyday references such as "A" for Apple, "B" for Ball and "C" for Cat. Lessons they never forget. Ever.

The idea was simply this: Lifebuoy wanted to fundamentally change how the letter "H" is taught.

No longer will "H" stand for Horse, Hat or even Home. "H" must stand for Handwashing. This simple intervention would introduce the concept of handwashing to children at the right age, making it a widespread and common habit that is learnt early but lasts a lifetime.

Recognizing the fundamental part kids can play in influencing each other, Lifebuoy appointed children as 'H for Handwashing' Chief Education Officers to promote hand-hygiene with their peers and families.


Our insight was rooted in not only a consumer but also a scientific truth: The first lessons of life are the ones that are hardcoded in us.

UNICEF’s early childhood development research demonstrates that early learning and language skills go hand-in-hand in establishing patterns and memory.

Our strategy, then, was to hardcode handwashing through one of the first lessons our audience learned.

Our Approach: Harness the power of peer-to-peer learning.

Children learn best from other children. Studies have shown that when kids teach other kids, they are more likely to remember the information. One study found 59% of students changing their behaviour after being influenced by their peers.

When it comes to hygiene in particular, children who adopt good hygiene habits can cause a ripple effect on whole communities.

Lifebuoy decided to appoint children between ages 6 and 12 to become ‘influencers’ for handwashing in their schools.


We leveraged the heightened interest around Global Handwashing Day (October 15, 2022) to remind school children, parents, and communities across 20 countries that H is for Handwashing.

IGNITE: By calling on young change-makers to become hygiene ambassadors

We initiated a multi-platform search for Handwashing CEOs (Chief Education Officers) across social media and Unilever employee platforms, partnered with local schools across 20 countries, NGOs and local influencers to recruit learners as hygiene ambassadors.

EXCITE: We introduced H for Handwashing CEOs (Chief Education Officers) from Singapore, India, and South Africa as the face of Lifebuoy's global marketing campaign. Lifebuoy partnered with one of the biggest content creators, Nas Daily, to share their incredible stories.

INVOLVE: By driving education through handwashing advocates in schools

The Handwashing CEOs used Lifebuoy’s educational material, including handwashing games co-created with Sesame Workshop, School-of-5 posters, handwashing steps video and hygiene kits to teach their peers handwashing habits.


1. Raise awareness at scale.

Lifebuoy appointed 100,000+ Handwashing CEOs across 20 countries, who reached 7 million+ students with educational material. 94% of kids who played our digital games showed a positive change in handwashing with soap behaviour.

2. Earn endorsements and coverage through social media and influencers.

70+ influencers, KOLs and celebrities endorsed the program, and generated PR reach of 86 million and Social Media reach of 53 million. This includes 35 million+ views generated by NASDAILY, one of world’s leading content creators.

3. Get countries to champion our habit-building approach.

Annapurna Devi, an Indian Minister of State for Education, sent a letter encouraging states to integrate hand-hygiene into the curriculum.

In South Africa, we reached 5 million+ grade 1 learners with hygiene habits since 2017 with the Department of Basic Education.

In Indonesia, we partnered with the national football players to teach 100,000 kids the importance of handwashing

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