Cannes Lions


GSW, New York / LILLY / 2015






The CYRAMZA brand needed a campaign that captured its essence across tumors, while differentiating from the products already in market. Research was done prior to campaign development to gather insights shared by oncologists treating multiple tumors. Through this we learned that metastatic cancer is a fight, and oncologists want to feel prepared to take these cancers head on.

This insight produced several creative angles that were validated by oncologists. From this testing came a clear winner—the Take Action campaign. This campaign illustrates how physicians can feel when treating metastatic cancers with the right tool in their hands, thereby laddering the functional benefit of CYRAMZA to an emotional level.

The response was overwhelming. Sales have reached over $122 million, since launch and figures have doubled the 2015 forecast. Additionally, ImpactRX data show that 75% of details leveraged a visual aid and that oncologist message recall remains high.


The campaign was shot in London with UK-based photographer, Alex Telfer. The first week of the shoot included pre-production and set building. The location we chose was an empty, modern office floor, so significant work had to be done turn the set into a "hospital." Sets were designed specifically for the space. We then conducted two days of lighting to ensure proper placement of lights and both still and video cameras. We stayed very close to the pre-production document, which kept the client happy and the shoot on track. Though we consulted them before, we had a boxing trainer and an oncologist on set to have all shots appear natural and accurate and the assure the accuracy of props as well. This concept brought to life a feeling that oncologists have each and every day, so we wanted to do all we could to properly capture the moment.


Sales as a result of this campaign were $122+ million since launch in April, 2014. In 2015, sales figures have reached $62 million, exceeding the forecast of $35 million. In addition to sales figures, oncologists retention of the CYRAMZA campaign and brand message has remained high. ATU physician research has shown that CYRAMZA remains top-of-mind with 87% aided recall and 48% unaided awareness of approval. The sales force is pleased with the integrated sales material. 75% of sales representatives are using a visual aid to detail oncologists. Interestingly enough, since launching, we have seen other companies take a more emotional approach to oncology advertising. Within the functional oncology space, companies are seeing the benefit to marketing differentiation.

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