Cannes Lions

Dabur Lajja Kavach (Shield of Dignity)


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Case Film
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Given limited budgets and ban on commercial activities near bathing areas, we had to be utterly creative not just in creating a low cost solution but making it available to the TG for use.

To address the issue, we created Lajja Kavach (Shield of Dignity), a low cost and light weight, convertible shoulder bag that could be easily opened up into a portable tent and used as a private changing room. We distributed hundreds of these to women approaching the bathing areas (while they were outside prohibited areas). Post the holy dip, women could easily open these and get ready in a worry free manner.

The simple solution not only provided a much needed solution to a pertinent consumer problem but also proved to be a differentiated visibility and conversation driver for the brand.


With limited budgets, we procured 300 portable changing room tents online at an extremely economical price and got them branded with utter ease, calling them Lajja Kavach (Shield of Dignity) units. Over 27 days of the Kumbh festival, we distributed these to women approaching the bathing areas (while they were outside prohibited areas) along with basic beauty kits. Post the holy dip, women could easily open these and get ready in a worry free manner and keep passing these on to more and more women creating a shield of dignity.


This simple idea helped us create uncontested engagement and visibility for our brand at the most important touchpoint, the bathing areas, where no other brand was present.

Not only did it enable quality engagement time with our targets as the brand came across as a savior when they needed it the most, such was its impact and public response that the organizers gave us permission to distribute it on all the important bathing areas, giving us unprecedented reach and visibility.

With an investment of mere USD 7,727 (USD1 = INR 64.7) we created and distributed 300 such bags, which were used directly by 1.5 million women, returning a cost per direct contact of less than 1 cent!

Further, the clutter free visibility attracted more than 5 million eyeballs and was covered in local newspapers giving us earned media worth more than USD 38,636 a ROI of over 500%.

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