Cannes Lions

Dancing Through Life


Presentation Image
Supporting Content






Ageism is very present in Western societies. There are damaging preconceptions about how seniors move, behave or even think. When you are older, society thinks of you as ‘an old person’ rather than just ‘a person.

Our campaign challenges these prejudices and shows that whatever your age, and despite muscle and joint pain, you can still experience the joy of movement and ultimately that you’re only as old as you feel.

Meet Marian and Anthony Booth, a 70 year-old real life couple and see how they reenact their life in a shadow play dance: reproducing movements from all ages, from childhood to their current age.

We follow their journey from the rehearsals with the choreographer in London, to the shoot of the performance in Warsaw and their family’s endearing reactions at the home screening when they discover that these two shadows are in fact their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.


5 versions if the main film were produced (CAN, UK, AUS, POL, GER) as well as a behind the scene for the same 5 markets – (each market has different regulatory constraints).

All main films were launched on the local Youtube channel of each market with direct redirection to the Behind the scene if people were eager to know more about the journey of our main cast for this project. Local markets were activating this content via paid media campaigns redirecting to their YT channel.

The original objective was to make a global campaign with an edit that could be run on a global YT channel for our client, but due to the category and its regulation this was not feasible from a legal point of view.


All content was released on different markets mid-April.

They all have separate copies & a distribution plan.

There was an immediate result in classic views per market.

As well in making off as key performance.

The Voltaren content platform consists of an eco-system of videos. From tutorial to more 'exciting' content. It has millions of viewers monthly.

This was one of the last editions.

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