Cannes Lions


EMERGE, Copenhagen / V&S GROUP / 2003


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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DANZKA Vodka is a small player on the French market wanting a strong position in the best bars.The brief was: • Via unexpected and a new marketing vehicles to develop the DANZKA brand further in France• Strengthen relations and increase sales on selected high end bars that carries DANZKA• Obtain 5-10 new accounts• Create a marketing platform to reuse in other markets The SilverShaker Campaign is the world’s first MMS-campaign: The hottest bartenders from the most exclusive bars in Paris were given a hip MMS-phone resembling a SilverShaker.

The bartenders were challenged to figure out what the ‘Mystery-drink inside the SilverShaker was’ with missions requiring use of the MMS-phone. First mission was to develop new recipes and take a picture of it with the phone. For each accomplished mission the bartenders received 1 clue, identifying a drink ingredient, providing their chance off eventually guessing the name of the mystery-drink.

Average response-rate for the 6 missions was 68%. Highest response-rate for one mission was 87% , lowest 55%. 73% of the bars has become new accounts and more are expected to follow.

V&S-group sees the campaign as extremely successful and will roll it out in many markets.


Average response-rate for the six missions was 68%. Highest response-rate for one mission was 87%, lowest 55%. 73% of the bartenders have become new accounts and more are expected to follow. High end bar accounts have a very high value for DANZKA.

V&S group saw the campaign as extremely successful and is planning to roll it out in many markets. V&S-group finds this to be the most successful marketing campaign for DANZKA ever, and are confident that the campaign has created committed ambassadors.The campaign has given a high media and PR value. Feedback from the bartenders has been incredible positive.

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