Cannes Lions



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Dash is Italy’s best known washing detergent, and for 40 years it has helped mums with products that simplify their lives. But as time goes on, we have fewer and fewer mums. Today, Italy is the country with the lowest birth rate, because being a mum in Italy is a tough choice. We wanted to create a campaign not only to support all Italian mums, but that could also raise awareness around their role, starting a conversation with them about their role in our society.To do that, we came to San Gervasio Bresciano, the town with the highest birth rate in Italy, and we created an event to thank, support and help all the mums. We also interviewed them, listening to and collecting all their thoughts and their needs. With all the materials collected, we launched a new site and a new Facebook page, starting the conversation with all the Italian mums about their role and their needs in the contemporary Italian society. The results? In 6 weeks, we gained 150,000 fans on Facebook becoming the top ranking page with regard to the engagement rate in Italy: real mums that came to our page to share their opinions and thoughts not only about the products, but especially about the importance and the privilege of being a mum in Italy nowadays.


We came to San Gervasio Bresciano, the Italian town with the highest birth rate. Here, we organised an event where we thanked mums for their daily job, we interviewed them to understand their needs, we gave them a helping hand, and finally, we organised a huge party for them and for their kids. We collected a lot of material and video, and we used them to create content for the completely new Dash Facebook page.


In 6 weeks, we gained 150,000 fans on Facebook, becoming the top ranking page in regard to the engagement rate in Italy. We got widespread press coverage from blogs, portals and newspaper, including Yahoo!news,, Libero, Bebefacile, Bsnews, Diredonna and many others sites that treat the topic of mums. But the most important result is that we encouraged Italians to think about and discuss the crucial role of mums in Italian society.

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