Spikes Asia


WUNDERMAN THOMPSON, Singapore / LUX / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film






Women in Saudi Arabia want to be able to express themselves freely. However, when they make an effort to express their beauty, they face appearance-based judgements which seed self-doubt and restricts them.

Lux wanted to change this equation. Rather than giving the control of her beauty expression to societal judgements, Lux wanted to empower women to take ownership of it, making the mirror their source of strength vs a vehicle for self-editing. Instead of viewing herself in the mirror negatively, we wanted to empower women to see themselves via a broader view, a view beyond self, through the eyes of other women just like her. We wanted to reassure Saudi women that they aren’t alone in this, no matter which part of the world they’re from and that when women unite, they can overcome judgements.


When Saudi women look into their mirrors every day, they see not just their efforts to look beautiful, but also the judgements they will face in response.

The idea of DataMirror was to show a more encouraging and inspiring reflection. We found women who mirrored each other – data-wise– from distinctly different parts of the world i.e an exact data twin. We then connected them individually to exchange views and experiences on the beauty judgements they have faced. It was a private and personalised experience that only each pair of women had faced and very personal for all the pairs of women. Through DataMirror, these women could see that they weren’t alone in facing judgments and inspired each other to rise above them and express their beauty unapologetically. These moments were very emotional and powerful to build friendships beyond the activation.


Our approach was to create data twins with similar choices and preferences and connect them to have a conversation around judgements, open up and take strength from each other to drive stronger conviction in one’s own beauty and expression of it.

We focussed on women, 25 – 35 years. We then downloaded a universe of female profiles from Google in a similar age band and behaviour, gathering information in the beauty space. With the help of IBM Watson and personality insights, we could infer some key behaviour characteristics that built their online persona. From that persona, we then searched for someone in major cities across the world using initial survey methods and a matching algorithm that matched the Saudi women with their very own data mirror from distinctly different part of the world who was an exact match. Imagine meeting your data twin, your mirror.


Optimising on the latest technology, we gathered detailed and precise information about several women across the world. Data points such as their recent purchases, the places that they visited, their likes and dislikes, passion points helped us infer some key behaviour characteristics that built their online persona. From that persona, we then searched for someone in major cities across the world using initial survey methods and a matching algorithm that matched the Saudi women with their data mirror from distinctly different parts of the world which are culturally very different – USA, Singapore and Thailand. These women were then connected through a video call where they opened their hearts to each other and realised they weren’t alone in facing judgments. These videos were captured and showcased on Miraa.me a popular women centric website in the Saudi region where women face the most appearance-based judgements.


1. The campaign reached an audience of 25m on Miraa.me, 14.5M across social media platforms from May 2020 to June 2020 with 14.2 million impressions.

2. On Youtube, Trueview, the campaign saw a 10.7% uplift in Ad Recall.

3. Adding to the above, interesting to note that the long films have delivered VTRs better than benchmarks indicating the content resonated well with the TA. VTR was 36% ; better than benchmark for long digital films.

4. On Youtube Bumpers, the assets saw a 9.4% uplift in Ad Recall and 9.5% uplift in favourability.

5. A positive rub off on brand equity results in Q2, 2020.

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