Cannes Lions

Day of Memory


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Case Film
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The founding premise behind the DOM was that the simple act of remembering victims helps thwart the intention of the crime. An 'honour' killer aims to erase the supposed 'shame' brought upon their family or community by eradicating its source: murdering an innocent young woman who has typically done nothing more than seek the opportunities most of us take for granted.

Shafilea Ahmed was suffocated by her own parents with a plastic bag, in a hope to erase her from memory. Our creative solution used plastic in a more positive way: to thwart that intention, rebuilding and restoring Shafilea’s memory through the medium of 3D-printing.

For every tweet of support to #RememberShafilea the 3D-printer built a layer of a memorial of her. By tweeting, Britain would not only remember victims but also defy their killers, coming together to build a permanent reminder of what happens when 'honour' violence is ignored.


With zero budget, we were relying on a strong social and PR uptake to spread our message and invite response.

The innovative technology at the heart of our campaign secured press coverage that placed our call to action across multiple news outlets, asking Britain to help us complete the memorial in time for July 14th.

Karma Nirvana and their partners also tweeted and posted, whilst a morning appearance by Karma's CEO on Lorraine Kelly and a donated ad unit on the Evening Standard also encouraged participation.

Participants could view the statue as it was gradually revealed on KN's website, and it was finally completed in time to present to the press on the Day of Memory. This gave us a further PR spike whilst donated ad space in The Metro and in Westfield Shopping Centre also showed off what the nation had built together.


The public took up our call to arms, and #RememberShafilea gathered 4,647 tweets, reaching 22,550,511. The Day of Memory created almost 554 million in potential impressions from PR and donated media space. Best of all, people with the power to effect change took notice. Traffic to Karma Nirvana’s website soared 1,919% on the Day of Memory itself, whilst professional requests for training grew 25-fold as compared to the same period in 2014. Furthermore, in the 2016 budget Karma Nirvana was granted almost £500,000 funding, allowing them to extend the opening hours of their victim helpline. That same helpline saw a 262.5% increase in call volume on July 14th, thanks to our campaign. Given Karma Nirvana is the only provider of dedicated victim support in the UK, and the life-threatening nature of this abuse, each call answered could save the life of someone with nowhere else to turn.

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