Cannes Lions
Instead of a campaign, we proposed a challenge: #DeathStarmission, build our own Death Star in Madrid!.
With one of the most attractive and emerging technology as the 3D print, we found a connection between the movie and the construction of a high performance machine as a giant 3D printer. These connection were the construction of something enormous, the use of tech, the difficulty and the size of the challenge.
The #DeathStarmission proyect is about trying to end a big scale 3D printed model of the Death Star, but whithout any material support, very common in the regular 3D printing, and in a really short time, less than two week. A live engeneering experiment of 3D printing in a giant scale, and all on the public eyes in an outdoor experience for all publics.
To see it remote, we had a social media content site, and live video streaming microsite.
#DeathStarmission action took place a week before Rogue One premiere (December15th), and finished two weeks after, close to the Puerta de Alcalá monument in Plaza de la Independencia in Madrid.
The printer used for the 2x2meter Death Star was a special order to Leonard Dodd, designer and engineer expert in 3D printing in U.S.A., to fabricate the biggest 3D printer of it’s kind at the time.
Many issues were solved for this outdoor experience: low temperature or the reduction of vibrations that could affect the non material supported 3D print. A huge 6x5m and 6 meters high box of metal and cristal were designed, build out of two containers, with, independent electrical power, heat and another container to load the PLA, the injection of polyester thermoplastic from above. Practically the same type of box that common 3d printers have, but in XXL size. Total weight was over 5.000kg! (10,000lbs).
#DeathStarmission had a high impact in non paid media, with appereances on television and radio, in content programs and television news from various top national and local channels such as RTVE, Telecinco, Cuatro, Antena3 or Telemadrid.
Virtually, all relevant printed media and their digital versions echoed the action, highlighting in the sections of Madrid, Culture, Leisure, Society and technology, also in hundreds of blogs and online media.
A cumulative audience of more than 75 million, with a reach in social networks of 10 million, only on Twitter.
Hundreds of thousands of views in live streaming and content in networks, being the most viewed, liked and commented content on Facebook wall of Star Wars Spain in all 2016.
#Deathstarmission obtained over 700% of ROI in non paid media value. Rogue One movie had the best opening in cinemas of 2016 in Spain, with a record in pre order tickets.
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