Cannes Lions

Dick Pic Vouchers

NORD DDB, Stockholm / MCDONALD'S / 2022

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Case Film
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AVA Stories is a Swedish erotic audio app, made for women, by women. They create hot stories with women's lust in mind. This makes them unique in the erotic content category, where the narratives are typically driven by male desire and ignoring the pleasure of women.

AVA asked for a creative solution to encourage female sexuality to be loud– if it wants. They wanted the campaign to engage the female audience and drive awareness to AVA Stories as a brand, with app downloads as the result. This on a very limited budget.


Half of all female millennials have gotten a dick pic in their inbox. Out of these women, a baffling 86% described the picture as disgusting, igniting or intrusive. This is one example of male desire acting at the expense of women’s.

We wanted to take a stand for female sexuality, together with women who had unwillingly received a dick pic. Creating the world’s first-ever AI dick-recognition, we made Dick Pic Vouchers – a way to turn a turn off, into a turn on.

By scanning an unsolicited dick pic at AVA’s mobile website, women could unlock a voucher to a 3-month subscription to AVA Stories. Turning useless and unwanted dick pics into something they could actually get off to. A cocky way to put the spotlight on female pleasure.


AVA Stories act in a category where sexual narratives are typically driven by male desire, ignoring the pleasure of women. What’s more, unlike male desire, female pleasure is still a delicate, stigmatized topic.

With this as a starting point we did desk research and interviews with women over 18 years old, where we found unwanted dick pics to be a recurring problem, and a negative symbol of dominant male sexuality.

Our approach was to turn this around in a creative way, to promote female sexuality, while giving a finger to unwanted dick pics. This way, we could also create awareness about the AVA Stories brand and mission, as well as the AVA Stories app. We encouraged every woman over 18 years old to download the AVA Stories app and scan their unwanted pic.


To activate the campaign, we programmed an AI image-recognition to detect dicks. We then constructed a mobile website where unwanted dick pics could be scanned and turned into free 3-month subscriptions.

To ensure no image was neither saved, nor viewed by any person, the whole process of scanning was done locally on the device. The campaign ran over a two-month period, during which you were able to scan and collect your dick pic voucher.

With no media budget, the campaign was solely spread organically, through owned channels. A couple of Swedish large influencers, as well as international magazines, picked up on the campaign and shared it in their channels.


To activate the voucher, you needed the AVA Stories application. This resulted in a 60% increase in downloads over the campaign period. Before the campaign, AVA Stories had app-downloads in 12 nations and afterwards, the number had grown to 92.

Due to strict GDPR guidelines (dick pics being counted as personal data), the campaign setup and lack of budget for tracking, we did not have the opportunity to measure the exact number of scanned dick pics, how many men who decided not to send a dick pic or how many people who got to know the AVA Stories brand due to the campaign.

The campaign saw a digital PR reach of over 5 000 000+ in lifestyle and advertising media, all around the world. The Dick Pic Voucher was also picked up by one of Sweden’s largest magazines for women, Amelia, and was published in the printed magazine.

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