Cannes Lions

Diorama+sense of tomorrow


Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film
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- Benefit-focused experience design for intangible, near-future services in consumer language.

The initial concept was to demonstrate how the client can create convenience and more valuable lifestyles in the future with their advanced mobile devices and innovative services.

- Main theme: Sense of Tomorrow.

- Exhibition Method: Augmented Reality (AR) film and dioramas

Special diorama and props were created to represent TODAY, showing our everyday lifestyles

The AR film represented TOMORROW, showing exciting lifestyles of the near-future envisioned by our client powered with their products and services.

Using the camera of the new mobile phone, the AR films were superimposed on the diorama in real-time.

- Scenario: We created three scenes to portray the daily lives of everyday people in normal places: gas station, airport and home.


• Design elements and their integration

- Theme: Sense of Tomorrow

- Scenario

House of Tomorrow (Home)

Transportation of Tomorrow (Gas Station)

Travel of Tomorrow (Airport)

- Tool

AR film


Robot Arms

Camera?Newly Launched Mobile Device

• Design touch points

- Diorama: is a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit. We created three diorama sets to represent scenes of everyday life: gas station, airport and home.

- AR video: Each scenario has a matching AR film. The concept, Sense of Tomorrow, was used throughout to demonstrate the client’s future vision of an advanced world with connected lifestyles that are convenient and valued.

- When visitors come near the exhibit, they can have an interactive experience by placing their hands in front of the camera using robot arms and seeing how the scene is reflected in monitor above.


• Value added to brand:

- To go beyond the current mobile marketplace where value is communicated only in hardware features by showing the client’s vision and commitment to advanced mobile services and connected worlds.

• Value for consumer:

- Each scenario and diorama was designed to give the audience an glimpse of the future, showing the possibility of services that can become reality.

- Consumers experienced what kind of benefits they could have through the client’s mobile services with daily life experiences.

• Achievement

- Developed the Sense of Tomorrow theme to demonstrate the client’s mobile services vision

- Overcame the limits of the exhibition by showing how intangible services and visions can impact life using AR films with dramatic episodes, dioramas and other props, and an eye-catching robot arm movement

- After the flagship device launched, the three AR and diorama exhibits evolved to show the real devices and services.

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