Dubai Lynx

Dishwashing Redefined: From Manual to Automatic

UM MENA, Dubai / FINISH / 2024

Case Film






Our campaign in the Middle East aimed to enhance dishwasher usage, targeting a cultural shift beyond just boosting Finish sales. The goal was to educate the market on the advantages of dishwashers, alter enduring consumer habits, and increase Finish demand. This necessitated a creative, strategic approach, tailored to resonate with our audience's unique needs and cultural nuances. We sought to change the prevailing skepticism around dishwashers to trust, establishing Finish as not just a product but a crucial element of modern, efficient living. This strategy involved a nuanced understanding of cultural contexts and an innovative communication approach.


The campaign's outcomes powerfully affirmed its effectiveness and strategic success. We achieved a remarkable 98% consumer approval for our videos, evidencing the campaign's resonance. Additionally, dishwasher sales rose by 35% post-campaign, showcasing our influence on consumer behavior and sales. Our market notably became the fastest-growing in dishwasher penetration globally. These achievements highlight the campaign's role in transforming consumer attitudes and underscore the tangible benefits of our bold, innovative strategy in elevating Finish's market standing and sales growth.

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