Cannes Lions

Do you believe in love at first glance, or love at first taste?

PHD, London / UNILEVER / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






The first step in Knorr’s progression, was to better understand the power of flavour in people’s lives.

Proprietary research not only refreshed our knowledge of flavour preferences, but started to surface the significance of flavour in relationships.

78% of people claimed they would be more attracted to their partner if they enjoyed the same flavours.

1 in 3 claimed that if their partner didn’t enjoy the same flavours, they would be worried about their long-term future together.

Flavour was more powerful than we thought.

Armed with this insight, the creative idea explored whether someone’s ‘flavour personality’, determined by the Knorr Flavour Profiler, a digital tool we launched with the campaign, could help people find #LoveAtFirstTaste.

A series of unusually intimate first dates were set up, captured on film, to spark intrigue and interest across the world, inspiring others to find out their own Flavour Profile along the way.


To maximise our impact, we synchronised PR & accelerated video distribution across the largest sources of millennial attention online.

On launch day, we asked everyone on Twitter whether they believed in #LoveAtFirstGlance or #LoveAtFirstTaste.

On Facebook we reached 150M ‘foodies’ during the first 48 hours, to see the outcome for themselves.

Beyond the newsfeed, both emotional and behavioural targeting tech helped us not only stretch our budget, but top the AdWeek viral charts on launch week, and the YouTube viral charts for the month of May.

Once we’d reached critical mass, we scaled the impact of the profiler itself.

PlayBuzz rebuilt, then natively distributed it via thousands of newspapers, magazines and gossip sites across the open web, whilst TasteMade broadcast a recipe series inspired by the profiler, that we commissioned to test alternate routes into both the brand and the profiler for Knorr.


#LoveAtFirstTaste got Millennials talking about Knorr, driving significant growth in brand measures along the way.

The spark film ranked: -

• #1 on Ad Age viral video chart in its first week

• #1 most chosen to watch YouTube ad for May 2016

• #2 most watched ad on YouTube for 2016

Helping trigger a huge reaction in Knorr's favour: -

• 2.7M social actions & 200K shares of the film and partnership assets

• Completion rates peaking 10 x higher and share rates 50x higher than CPG benchmarks

• Generating 1.4BN earned impressions

• 1.87M clicking to find out their own flavour profile

Growing equity measures that had previously been flat

• brand appeal amongst millennials growing by 7.6%

• future purchase intent by 14% points

And market share increased by 1.4% points during and immediately after the campaign.

Not bad for a 175 year old cooking brand

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