Cannes Lions



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Curarte is an NGO that helps kids that are hospitalised by making facilities more fun and adapted to them. We were asked to increase the number of donations and collaborators by engaging as many people as we could.So, the first thing we thought of was the necessity of finding a media that was massive, innovative, moved from hand to hand and lasting. So we got the €20 note. We asked the Bank of Spain to let us use the image of the notes, and to let us use a small quantity of them for our campaign.We needed to get into the people's mind in a way that made our message as clear as possible: We need your money to be able to continue helping hospitalised kids. Even if you donate a little, it is is very important to us.So we used the €20 notes and we wrote messages on them:“Before I came into your hands, I made a sick child’s life happier. Do the same”People spend €20 bills everyday and for a lot of senseless things. We wanted to make people think every time they bought something, giving each other our message.To give away our message, we used influencers, such as newsreaders and CEOS of important firms, such as Telefonica and Coke Spain. We asked them to send messages on the TV in some programs and also to make videos that could be used as content in social networks


1) Send some bills to the market and record those moments, and people faces;2) Ask influencers to record videos with the €20 bills;3) Build a facebook site where content was uploaded;4) TV newsreaders spread the message;5) Other influencers spread the message in all kinds of TV /Radio Programs.


- Previous years’ donations were quadrupled;- 11,236 persons became members of the foundation;- We had media coverage in the most important TV programs and news;- Spontaneous social network buzz marketing;- Distribution of 145.000 informative flyers;- We obtained funding for 5 children’s hospital projects, so CurArte could continue to make hospitalised kids' lives easier.

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