Cannes Lions

Don't Do Bad

OGILVY, Taipei City / PX MART / 2024

Supporting Images
Case Film
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During Hungry Ghost Festival,

Taiwanese people make sumptuous offerings to lonely ghosts.

This tradition of kindness and hospitality has also become a major sales season for PX Mart.

Sustaining this spirit of goodwill is the primary focus for PX Mart during this period.

We have observed that people, in general, feel anger and helplessness towards the social turmoil of recent years. Therefore, PX Mart has decided to modify the traditional Ghost Month custom of “Have a good heart Offer good food Do good deeds” to “ Don’t do bad things.”


We decided to draw a connection between Hungry Ghost Festival and social outrage.

Ghosts return and act as underground law enforcement officers, achieving justice for victims!

Bullies get a taste of their own medicine.

This video series imitates the entertaining style of B-grade horror movies.

In each film, good ghosts punish bad guys.

The stories are satisfying to watch and guaranteed to relieve stress!


In just 4 days after the series was released,

it racked up over 2 million likes,

and PX Mart met its sales target ahead of schedule.

PX Mart successfully connected a special festival with a high-visibility news topic.

It redefined a traditional custom in people’s minds.

And it dominated the advertising conversation throughout Hungry Ghost Festival,

claiming its place as the leading brand.

In just 4 days after the series was released,

it racked up over 2 million likes,

and PX Mart met its sales target ahead of schedule.

PX Mart successfully connected a special festival with a high-visibility news topic.

It redefined a traditional custom in people’s minds.

And it dominated the advertising conversation throughout Hungry Ghost Festival,

claiming its place as the leading brand.

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