Cannes Lions

Drive Thru

WCRS, London / CHURCHILL / 2017

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Case Film






Drive thru car insurance offered Churchill’s great product directly to drivers, with bespoke messages tailored to each and every car.

Using license plate recognition technology, we were able to bring a unique drive thru experience to every driver on the road. In a totally new way.

After all, if you can grab a coffee and a hamburger from the comfort of your car, surely you should be able to get car insurance.


As cars approached the traffic lights on the roundabout they were greeted by an unmissable slice of 50’s Americana.

Three cameras read the license plates of the cars in the front row of traffic, to establish which would be most suitable for Churchill insurance.

The most suitable car’s plate was cross referenced with the Vehicle Licensing Agency database to work out features like age, make, model, colour and engine type.

In less than a second, a bespoke code translated this information into a tailored message for the driver. If they were driving a van, they might have seen a ‘roadside recovery’ message promoting ‘business as usual’. A small car might have seen a message about cover against uninsured drivers and how Churchill ‘stands up for the little guy’. While hybrid cars saw messages about how, as they looked out for the environment, Churchill would look out for them.


A tailored message was delivered on average every 90 seconds, around the clock.

That’s 903 messages every day, specifically aimed at the driver in front of the billboard, delivering our goal of a hyper targeted campaign, relevant to potential customers, on the road.

A total audience of nearly 17,000 cars passed the billboard daily, all of them drivers who saw that Churchill’s product was about more than just price.

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