Spikes Asia

Dunhuang Future Museum

INYOUNG, Guangzhou / TENCENT / 2021

Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Demo Film






With a history of over 1,600 years, the grottoes in the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang are the world’s largest historical site of Buddhist art. Due to extensive weathering over the years, scientists predict the murals will disappear in the next 90 years. We aim to launch a public campaign to raise funds through donors to record the murals digitally and preserve them forever.


The interactive H5 “Dunhuang Future Museum” applies sensing technology from the microphone of a mobile phone, imitates the process of weathering and erosion by means of blowing into the microphone, and allows people to see the remnants of murals at different times in the future. This will awaken a sense of responsibility in every visitor to donate actively and safeguard this national treasure.


We will cooperate with the “Digital Supporters Program” of the Tencent Charity Foundation and be trusted and endorsed by relevant authorities. Through the mobile platform with the largest network, this program will reach more people and collect donations directly through mobile payments, making donating easy and effective. The donors will receive official recognition and encouragement to share the campaign with others and spread it like wildfire.


A 360° virtual tour will be released at WeChat Moments, the largest social media platform in China, to achieve an immersive experience. The H5 campaign will be distributed for one week through popular apps and platforms, such as Douban, NetEase Music, and Himalaya.


The campaign is forwarded and shared, generating buzz on social media platforms and achieving 150,000,000+ in exposure, 8,980,000+ in hits, and RMB 560,000+ (one week) in donations.

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