Cannes Lions

Eastpak Cosplay

MUTANT, Antwerp / EASTPAK / 2024







Situation: Eastpak is an apparel brand with the legendary baseline: "built to resist". Every year they launch a global brand campaign that brings this baseline to life.

Brief: Eastpak asked us to come up with a global 360 campaign that went further than just product awareness.

Objectives: Reach a younger audience.


We follow a group of cosplayers returning home from a convention. An epic voice-over tells their tale as if they were the main characters of one of the films they worship. The extravagance of their costumes is set against the plain, everyday world they travel through. Upon their return home, they take off their costumes, condemning them to be part of regular life again. Or at least until the next convention. The film ends with a piece of copy that applies both to the cosplayers and Eastpak's products: "Built from a different cloth, we are built to resist."


The campaign went live one week prior to this entry and runs on social and digital channels in UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Finland, US, Canada, Cyprus, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Japan, Poland, Israel, Korea, Middle East and Hungary.

As the media buying strategy has the objective to reach as many citizens in these markets as possible, the campaign will potentially reach over 1.6 billion people, most of them through several physical and social touch points.

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