Cannes Lions

Eat like your avatar



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Original Content






The brief for "Eat Like Your Avatar" addressed a key challenge: engaging gamers to adopt healthier eating habits inspired by their in-game behaviors. The campaign aimed to leverage the influence of gaming culture to promote the flexitarian diet advocated by Naturellement Flexitariens. The primary goal was to demonstrate the positive impact of balanced eating on both gaming performance and real-life health.

The campaign sought to generate buzz within the gaming community, spark conversations around healthier eating habits, and ultimately position Naturellement Flexitariens as a relevant and relatable advocate for balanced diets within gaming culture. The brief thus aimed to transform gaming passion into a platform for positive lifestyle changes.


Gamers often prioritize convenience over nutrition, opting for quick and accessible food options due to limited time between gaming sessions. However, "Eat Like Your Avatar" taps into gamers' love for challenges by encouraging them to adopt their favorite video game characters' diets. Leveraging cooking gameplay from popular games like Zelda, the campaign promotes healthier eating habits.

Valouzz, a famous gaming influencer, undertook a 15-day challenge consuming recipes from his gaming sessions, showcasing the impact of dietary choices on gaming performance and health. Through social media updates and Twitch cooking sessions, Valouzz shared his experience with the gaming community, emphasizing the benefits of a balanced diet inspired by gaming avatars.

The campaign culminated in an 18-minute documentary highlighting the journey and advantages of embracing healthier eating habits within the gaming community. This initiative aims to improve health outcomes among gamers by showcasing the real-world benefits of emulating gaming-inspired diets.


Recognizing that gamers spend significant time on social media and gaming platforms, the strategy leveraged popular channels like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, and Valouzz’ gaming community to reach this audience authentically.

The media planning emphasized organic reach, utilizing Valouzz to share his journey and experiences adopting a flexitarian diet inspired by gaming avatars.

The strategy aimed to inspire and educate gamers about healthier eating choices in a relatable and accessible manner. The focus was on delivering meaningful content that aligned with gamers' interests and behaviors, fostering genuine engagement and promoting positive lifestyle changes.


The campaign centered around showcasing healthy recipes inspired by gaming and promoting their real-world adoption. The campaign leveraged the extensive cooking gameplay found in Zelda, where players unlock and prepare various recipes to enhance their gaming experience. Valouzz, the gaming influencer leading the challenge, posted the real-life versions of these in-game recipes on his social media channels and conducted cooking sessions on Twitch.

Through Valouzz's engagement, the campaign demonstrated the feasibility of adopting a flexitarian diet inspired by gaming avatars. By showcasing nutritious meals inspired by popular games, the campaign encouraged gamers to make healthier food choices and provided practical examples for meal preparation. Valouzz's social stories and live Twitch served as educational tools, highlighting the benefits of balanced eating within the gaming community. The culmination of the campaign was an immersive 18-minute documentary, weaving together Valouzz's journey and the importance of embracing healthier eating habits through gaming-inspired recipes.


- More than 250k views in 24 hours for the Youtube Documentary.

- #1 trending on Youtube gaming.

- More than 500k total views on Twitch, including replays.

- 6M minutes of health content watched by GenZ.

- Amongst YT and Twitch comments, 95% of them were positive, and 5% neutral or critical.

- 3,6M earned media

- 100+ gamers trying the challenge in several games.

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