Cannes Lions


BOW & ARROW, London / EGG / 2022

Case Film
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Case Film






Last year more electric vehicles were sold in the UK than the previous five years combined. In spite of this, many consumers feel that they don’t have the headspace to figure it all out and change to an EV.

As demand for sustainable energy solutions continues to grow, new owners need guidance to make EVs more accessible. Egg is the UK’s first at-home subscription model where customers don't have to fork out thousands for an expensive charging unit and can easily understand the product and process.

Our client, The Phoenix Works, had three key goals for the brand launch - to demystify smart energy, to give consumers the confidence to make the leap to electric and to stand out in a bland but crowded market. The work aimed to serve 50k customers, with a budget of 250-300k and work to be completed in 8-10 weeks.


As the UK’s first EV charging subscription, we needed to show how it does things differently. As such, we created a distinct brand that stands apart from anything currently in the market. In this way, the fresh design cuts through noise and works to demystify industry jargon.

Egg is a brand built on the idea of ‘cracking’ clean energy. As a change to current tired design tropes in this sector, Egg shares a world view through the eyes of a child, fixing the issues of the EV industry by trying to see things as simply as children do.

The design changes have boosted Egg’s relevance as a brand in this market that stands out, stands up for customers and can be trusted to be transparent, friendly and easy to use.


Over the course of nine months, we went from an idea on a page to a product in-market. We worked in iterative cycles to validate and craft the new venture, Egg, and launch it into the world as the clearest and easiest to use EV charging subscription service. We were completely embedded within different units within the organisation, acting as the lynchpin to get the D2C proposition operating smoothly.

We focused on testing in-market and moved quickly from the theoretical to real customer-guided refinement. We ran three test-and-learn cycles while preparing the business for the transition to a D2C subscription business model.

In our first part of testing, the subscription offering fell flat on its face vs. financing or buying hardware outright. As we evolved the proposition and brought in new value-added digital services like maintenance and support, we saw the appeal of subscription grow until it became the preferred choice by a landslide.

Along with identifying the solution and building the new product, beta testing helped us refine the design and accessibility of the sign-up journey and connect the ongoing experience across hardware and software. This was key to streamlining the process for customers and capturing appeal.


Over the course of nine months, we embedded our team across the client's organisation to understand the essence of their work and develop a brand that truly encapsulates both their ambitions and core values.

In creating Egg, we not only gave them a new, differentiated brand but also redefined their end-to-end customer experience, from the website to how the product shows up on the day of installation.

We created a light-hearted yet whole-hearted personality that informed all our design choices. Tone of voice is optimistic and cheeky, to cut through the noise and jargon we saw from competitors. Our visual identity was inspired by what powers it all – the sun – warm, bright and full of life, setting the brand apart but also setting the tone for how Egg shows up for its customers.


Only recently launched in February this 2022, the Egg brand has already redirected the growth of the business. This transformation has galvanized their workforce and united them under a new mission, reflected in the award winning service they now provide.

Since launching, customers have responded overwhelmingly positively to Egg, with a 4.4 stars review on Trustpilot and comments including “The service is excellent from the planning stage to installation”, and “Brilliant process and very simple from start to finish”.

Egg has generated organic traction throughout the UK and early results are exceeding all expectations and targets. The subscriptions sales were 185% above target, solar and battery leads 37% above target and the solar and battery secured revenue has reached £500k.

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