Cannes Lions

El Pendón Estrellado


Demo Film
Demo Film
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Even though Hispanics are the largest minority group in the United States, studies show they are undervalued, underrepresented and misperceived. Even though they represent 18.5% of the total U.S. population and contribute with a anual GDP of 1.7 trillion dollars, the vast majority of U.S. Hispanics are not aware of their economic or cultural contributions.

The U.S. Hispanic community is not a homogeneous group. Hispanics are at a disadvantage because they have their roots in many different cultures and regions, so they don't see themselves or behave as a unified group.

On top of that, less than 2 out of 10 were able to work from home when the pandemic started, being critically exposed as the largest uninsured group in America.

It was time to unite 60 million women and men in the face of adversity.


The only way to unite such a fragmented community was through a social movement with grassroots potential.

A truly iconic and unifying symbol of power was needed, with the ability to unite a community of millions of individuals with multiple cultural and geographical backgrounds.

The creative solution was a symbol that was 100% American and 100% Hispanic at the same time. What Hispanics needed lay hidden in a very special version of the American National Anthem in Spanish, commissioned by President Roosevelt in 1945, and forgotten by history… until now.

The re-discovery of El Pendón Estrellado (The Star-Spangled Banner) was sung by Jeidimar Rijos, winner of The Voice 2019. It shook the country and was featured in 220+ media channels, but more importantly, it's been adopted not just by Hispanics, but also by both government entities and media, and is being sung and distributed with increasing frequency and pride.


The Hispanic Star was introduced to the world at the United Nations, within the Hispanic Leadership Summit. The first strategic objective was to unite all U.S. Hispanic groups and associations under the Hispanic Star banner.

The Hispanic Star revealed to the world the lost and forgotten version of the American National Anthem in Spanish, El Pendón Estrellado, commissioned by President Rosevelt in 1945 when the pandemic started. The second strategic objective was achieved, as a grassroots movement emerged around the newfound Anthem, uniting Hispanics from all walks of life to help their sisters and brothers. Private citizens, businesses, and brands joined in with recovery funds and resources to weather the enormous fallout of the crisis, laying the foundations for a prouder and more unified U.S. Hispanic community.


The launch of El Pendón Estrellado was featured in 220+ media channels, including Time Magazine, CBS, Telemundo, Univision, Fox News, Chicago Tribune, and many more, and backed up by historical information related to the importance of the Hispanic community, which led President Rosevelt to commission the creation of the authorized U.S. National Anthem to Spanish. News coverage also revealed the author behind the Spanish version, Clotilde Arias, who was a New York citizen of Peruvian origin.

Jeidimar Rijos, winner of The Voice 2019, was chosen to perform the first professional recording of the Anthem, which was viewed by millions through news channels, YouTube, as well as the Hispanic Star platform, and even Cannes Live 2020.

El Pendón Estrellado continues to inspire the Hispanic community and the nation. It appears with more frequency in public events and major networks will broadcast it the next 4th of July, performed by all-star singers.


Because of El Pendón Estrellado, the Hispanic Star has become a grassroots movement with more than 30 community centers across the country, and keeps on growing in influence and scope. Hundreds of U.S. Hispanic groups and associations support the cause.

El Pendón Estrellado is now an undeniable force for good shaping the future of the nation. The Hispanic grassroots movement it sparked is connecting private citizens, businesses and brands, securing recovery funds and resources to weather the enormous fallout of the pandemic, and setting the future for a more inclusive and diverse America.

So far, more than 200 companies have joined the cause. The list of companies include P&G, US Bank, Unilever, IBM, Prudential, Mars, Google, Pepsico, General Mills, Merck, SAP, Yum!, and many more.

El Pendón Estrellado continues to inspire the Hispanic community and the nation. It appears with more frequency in public events and major networks will broadcast it the next 4th of July, performed by all-star singers.

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