Cannes Lions

El Regreso


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Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru, lies at the foot of its most emblematic volcano: El MISTI. It’s also one of the most affected cities by the COVID-19 in the world

Because of this, thousands of arequipeños couldn’t bury their loved ones as they should have.


Cerveza Arequipeña wanted to honor all the Arequipa Citizens who died during the pandemic. It was one of the most COVID-affected cities in the world. To do so, we took one of the city's most iconic songs: "El Regreso" by Los Dávalos.

This song tells the wish of an arequipeño to return to his land and one of its verses sings the desire to return even after death in the shape of a flower. That is why we reinterpreted that part of the song to honor all the people of Arequipa who died during the pandemic and who didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye to their families.

We planted a flower for each one of the 6,638 Arequipeños who left us in a small town called Chihuata, the closest town to their volcano so they can be reborn again on their land.


The “Day of the Dead” in Arequipa, Peru, is a very important day for the locals. Above all, because of what was being experienced globally.

For almost 2 years, many arequipeños lost their relatives due to COVID, making Arequipa one of the cities most affected by the pandemic in the world. Saying goodbye to your loved ones was impossible, that's why "Cerveza Arequipeña", the most iconic beer in town, decided to pay tribute to them through a song considered the second anthem of the city.

All this to fulfill the greatest dream for any Arequipeño: to return to being part of his land. In this way, the brand would not only be aware of everything that happens but would also reconnect with its most loyal consumers: the people of Arequipa who always preferred it.


This idea had to be executed and implemented to honor the people of Arequipa who died during the pandemic days before the "Day of the Dead" that was celebrated on November 1, 2021.

Our creative process began at the end of September of the same year and the shooting of our content the first week of October. In parallel, we began to plant each of the 6,638 flowers that honor each of the Arequipeños who left during the pandemic.

The content was recorded a few kilometers from the "El Misti" Volcano and the flowers were planted in a small town called Chihuata, the closest town to the volcano. This way all Arequipeños have access to see them and the opportunity to go and plant their own flower.

This action was seen by more than half of the population of Arequipa.


We made a tribute that, to date, has reached more than 50% of the total population of Arequipa.

90% of the comments received were positive and very emotional. Many people not only saw a reinterpretation of their most iconic song, but also a new way to see the departure of their loved ones.

The video generated more than 4.5 million impressions and was the most commented video in Arequipa during the Day of the Dead.

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