Cannes Lions

Electric Castle - Unofficial Partners


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We decided that the best thing for Electric Castle and its fans was to help them be together until the last beat.

We took our insights via dedicated research: we observed the post-festival online posts in the last two years, where Monday sadness was a constant presence. We analyzed the festival data: the sales volumes and presence per day, which showed that Sunday as the day with the lowest numbers. We put the qualitative Monday blues together with the quantitative internal data and decided to take action.

We launched a dedicated communication platform UNOFFICIAL PARTNERS and transformed the sad Monday after the festival into a free Monday: #ELECTRICMONDAY!

Briefly, we challenged companies all over Romania to become the UNOFFICIAL PARTNERS OF THE FESTIVAL and offer their employees the Monday off in exchange for their respect and eternal appreciation, alongside a promotion package offered by the festival to each partner.


The campaign was launched two months (May) before the festival via an online platform with the message that Electric Castle is searching for Unofficial Partners. We partnered with the top business & HR, timeout magazines and developed a website where companies found information regarding the campaign.

We promoted intensely in social media under the #electricmonday. Then, we created a trade union with VIPs and KOLs advocating for the employees’ rights. 30 influencers joined pro bono and become the ambassadors of the campaign, being the protagonists of a video that gave managers the key-reasons to offer the Monday off. A creative direct mailing with our “union kit”: a loudspeaker, a flag and a t-shirt, got more influencers spreading the #electricmonday message.

People shared their funniest out-of-office messages on the Electric Castle page and, during the #electricmonday, posted videos and photos of them having fun on the road.


Results compared to initial KPIs:

1. Business Impact:

In 4 weeks of the campaign, 170 companies became Unofficial Partners of Electric Castle (+240%)

2. Response rate:

120,000 participants at the 2016 edition, 25% more on Sunday and more sales compared to 2015.

The campaign generated a series of spontaneous reactions which made it even viral. Both employees and employers were proud to be part of the campaign and shared it on their email signature, on their website, Facebook page etc.

3. Awareness:

1.4 million people (+180%) saw the #electricmonday messages posted online.

+30,000 visualizations of the campaign video (+50%)

The website had + 15,000 visitors (+50%) during the campaign.

+250 posts in social media from bloggers, KOLs and fans on the #electricmonday hashtag (+150%)

50 KOLS (bloggers, Celebrities) (+150%) joined in pro bono

+160 articles in the press and 10 media partnerships, with an overall reach of 20,752,888 impressions.

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