Cannes Lions


archibald ingall stretton..., London / O2 / 2010

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Our creative solution was to give O2 customers ‘Priority’ access to England’s Six Nations games at Twickenham, even though tickets had sold out months earlier.

We did this by using 3D technology and 40 cinemas nationwide to create ‘mini Twickenhams’ giving 20,000 customers a genuine interactive experience – the chance to watch an England rugby match complete with singing, shouting and free beer.

Broadcasting in 3D required a totally separate transmission. Our own cameras, commentators, director, graphics and outside broadcast truck had to be installed and tested. We had to set up a satellite network and install decoding technology at the cinemas. Our campaign included a dedicated 3D website, that demo’d the technology and acted as a gateway to buying tickets.Once the campaign was underway, we created a real-time Twitter feed of audience response to their first-ever 3D rugby game, and filmed fans’ reactions for our website and YouTube.


The results? Beyond all expectations.

Email: open rates 50% above Priority Ticketing norm; 150% increase on average click-through rate. Blueroom, 3D rugby: over 150k unique page views; 210% increase in overall traffic to blueroom.

Blueroom, overall: 200% uplift in users registering interest in rugby. 248% registration increase; 441% preference update increase. 5.23% average churn (normally 10.54%) and £4.10 increased average spend for customers who’ve given preferences.

Sales: cinemas sold out to O2 customers (some within 40 minutes). 20,000 fans enjoyed big-screen 3D rugby for the first time.

Coverage: Twitter, national and international press and TV, giving £2.4 million media equivalent.

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