Cannes Lions



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Over 70% of the world’s poor are women. Adding to this, when men have access to funding, only 30-40% goes back to the local community, while for women it is 90%.

Despite this, the Swedish government doesn’t know how much financial aid reaches women.


Create reach for the message that equal aid reduces poverty. Get public support in order to put pressure on the Swedish Government.


To create opinion we not only spread the message of equal aid, but also took action to change the situation.

We engaged Tanzanian women in crafting bracelets which symbolized equal aid. The bracelets where sold in Sweden and Tanzania, and all the profits went back to the women. The bracelets gave them finances, and at the same time worked as an easy-to-share symbol for equal aid in Sweden.

We contacted Diana Orving, one of Sweden’s most promising young designers, and asked her to cooperate with the women in Tanzania to create the bracelets.


- reach broad news media through editorials, debate sections, and news articles

- reach lifestyle media through the collaboration with Diana Orving

- spread the message in social media through the bracelets and the possibility to donate space for the message on your facebook, twitter and instagram feed.

- meeting and activating key influential stakeholders and politicians from the government, the ruling coalition parties, and the opposition.

We reached over half of Sweden´s population. And the biggest victory; equal aid, giving 50 % to women, is now included in the Swedish goverment´s new policy platform for international aid.


We created a symbol for equal aid – a bracelet designed with black and white pearls to be sold online and on local markets. The bracelet was created by designer Diana Orving in co-operation with women’s groups in Tanzania, and gave us the opportunity to spread the message in different channels, i.e. fashion blogs, Facebook, Twitter and when meeting politicians and addressing the media.

Media was reached by press releases and personal contact with individual reporters.

Debate articles were placed in both national and regional media.

Journalists covering the political arena were informed about the campaign by a personal letter and given the bracelet.

Meetings were held with members of the Swedish parliament in order to gain support for equal aid.


Our standpoint on equal aid was embraced by a majority of parties represented in the Swedish Parliament and most important - equal aid, giving 50 % to women, is now included in the Swedish goverment´s new policy platform for international aid.

Total media reach: 4,8 million, over half of Sweden´s population (earned media: 4,5 million, social media 300 000). The first shipment of 2 000 sold out at once and the bracelets still provides a steady income for the Tanzanian women.

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